Our cardiology department provides a full range of services for inpatients and outpatients. We pride ourselves on the quality of these services. The services we offer are delivered by expert cardiologists using state of the art facilities.
Our Cardiology Services Department, uses state-of-the-art technology to evaluate heart function and diagnose heart disease and disorders.
All Cardiology tests must have a physician’s order. The types of tests we offer include:
EKG: A brief recording of the electrical impulses or rhythm of the heart.
Holter Monitoring: This 24 to 48 hour test records the heart rhythm over a period of time. While the test is being conducted, the patient keeps a diary of activities so that it can be matched to any unusual activity in the heart.
Event Monitoring: During this diagnostic procedure, the patient wears a heart monitor for 30 days. The monitor records unusual heart rhythm when activated by the patient.